Flask Tutorial Series

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Jerhub Flask Tutorial Series

Author: Jeremy Ecker

Link: Jerhub Flask Tutorial Series

Welcome to the Jerhub Flask tutorial series. In this series, we will learn how to create web applications with Python and Flask. The focus will be on various backend integrations rather than frontend pretties, though basic templates will be provided. Each section of the tutorial will build upon what we have learned in the previous sections, so it is recommended to follow along sequentially.

Part 1 - Scaffold - Covers installation and configuration, and provides the foundation from which we build the application, including a basic app with a sqlite database, a user model, and a login page.

Part 2 - Recaptcha - Covers bot mitigation by adding Google Recaptcha functionality.

Part 3 - Contact - Covers adding a working contact form with AWS SES.

Part 4 - Blog - Covers adding blogging functionality to the app, integrating a WYSIWYG editor, and model, views, and templates to demonstrate its use.

Part 5 - To be determined; stay tuned!


In order to follow along successfully, you will need:

Additionally, some sections on integrations will require accounts with third-party providers which may cost money:

Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone  https://github.com/Jerhub-com/flask-tutorial-series.git

Open the directory for the your current section, and follow along.

Each section contains its own README.md file, which provides instructions and explanations for use.

Next: Part 1

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