Flask Tutorial Series

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Jerhub Flask Tutorial Series

Author: Jeremy Ecker

Link: Jerhub Flask Tutorial Series

flask-recaptcha - Instructions for adding Google Recaptcha to a Flask app

Welcome to part 2 of the Jerhub tutorial series. In this part, we are going to address an issue we have with what we did in part 1: bot mitigation. Google provides an answer to this in the form of ReCaptcha, which we will show you how to integrate into your Flask app in this section. This will be a much shorter section than some of the others, but it is an important one because any time you have a form into which users can input data, you want to try to prevent bots from being able to spam the form with potentially malicious requests or trying to brute-force entry. In future sections, we will be implementing more forms for other purposes, so we want to have a solid foundation laid out to make it easy on us.

Step 1: Get Recaptcha keys

See the Google Recaptcha documentation to setup your keys: see the docs

Step 2: Add keys to environment variables

If you followed along with part 1 of this series, you know how to do this already. If not, you can refer to that tutorial. In this example, we are naming the variables as follows:


Step 3: Add the environment variables to your app

Add the following to your __init__.py file, after initializing the app:

app.config['RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'] = os.getenv('RECAP_PUBLIC_KEY')
app.config['RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY'] = os.getenv('RECAP_PRIVATE_KEY')
app.config['RECAPTCHA_DATA_ATTRS'] = {'size': 'compact'}

Here we adjust the size of the widget to compact so that it will look better on mobile devices.

Step 4: Add a ReCaptcha field to the form

Locate the core/forms.py file and add flask_wtf.RecaptchaField to the imports, for example:

from flask_wtf import RecaptchaField

Next, add the field to the form as the final field after submit:

recaptcha = RecaptchaField()

Finally, put the field in the HTML form in templates/login.html:


Final thoughts

See? This one was relatively easy compared to the first part of the tutorial, which was kind of a lot. Still, this step is important so that we can keep our forms as secure as possible moving forward. In the next section, we are going to put what we learned here into practice, as we learn to build one of the most common components of any website: the contact form.

Next: Part 3

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